* 4+ year of working experience
* JSP/Servlets/JSTL
* design skills, GoF, Core J2EE patterns, experience with n-tiers Architectures
* web and application servers (Tomcat etc)
* ORM frameworks (Hibernate, iBatis etc)
* application frameworks (Spring etc)
* working experience with data bases (MySql or Oracle)
Nice to have:
* code Quality (CheckStyle, FindBugs, JDepend, PMD, Emma etc.)
* build (Ant, Maven 2)
* Test Automation (JUnit, easyMock, jMock, Selenium etc.)
We offer:
* Financial stability
* Interesting and challenging projects within professional teams
* Our main aim is to provide an opportunity of professional self-realization to every employee
* Friendly team and comfortable working environment
* Office located near sub-way station and in centre of the city |