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Добавить в блокнотВерсия для печати Вакансия: Sales Engineer
Зарплата:1000 $
Пол:не важно
График работы:неважно, договоримся

We are looking for a dynamic, creative and highly motivated Sales Engineer to ensure the continuation of our company’s fast and successful growth in a very competitive market. We expect our future colleague to be result and goal oriented and to work under own initiative to direct and control lighting sales activities in Ukraine while performing with the highest Integrity. The Sales Engineer is responsible for handling electrical wholesale GE’s Consumer & Industrial products (power controls + lighting). Responsibilities include sales execution, quotation for special deals, negotiation of annual plans and conditions. Performance is measured on delivering sales targets and acquisition of new customers.

Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.kh.ua/vacancies/23874.html

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