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Добавить в блокнотВерсия для печати Вакансия: Senior Documentum Developer
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График работы:полный рабочий день

The World Leading Software Company opens the position for Senior Documentum Developer.

- Profound knowledge of OO Development and Design (Understanding of the core OO Principles, Exposure to OO modelling, preferably UML);
- Working knowledge in the sphere of Content Server fundamentals, DQL, DFC, WDK Documentum technologies;
- Undersatanding of System Change Management; Build, Release and Deployment Processes; Quality processes, including Unit, Component and System Testing, development standards and review;
- Desireble experience with WebSphere, Tomcat, WebSphere Studio Application Developer, ClearCase, ClearQuest, Test Director, Unix, ANT, Rational UML tools;
- Fluency in English.

Social guarantees:
- Official employment;
- Business trips abroad;
- Free English language practice.
- Medical insurance (plus payments for dentistry, 100% payments for sick leave);
- Permanent professional certified trainings;
- Free rental flat for candidates living in the other regions of Ukraine (during the first period of integration into the company’s structure).

For Details:
e-mail: office@jobconsult.com.ua
phone: 8 044 501 64 69

Телефон:8 044 501 64 69
Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.kh.ua/vacancies/15718.html
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