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Scorto Credit Scoring Solutions (www.scorto.ru) is a credit scoring software developer. As we are hiring now, we invite Software Development Manager*** Responsibilities:
- Monitor and control all company’s software projects in their different phases (e.g. Requirements gathering, Development, Maintenance, etc);
- Be in charge of the Software Development dept, contribute to its professional maturity;
- Staying abreast of the latest technologies and development tools; Strategic planning of using once;
- Improve company’s SE methodology;
- Creates environment that is supportive of effective learning which is necessary for the company’s approach of continuous improvement;
*** Requirements:
- University technical degree or equivalent;
- Experience as Software Development Manager or in similar position;
- Experience with one of the SE methodologies (e.g. RUP, XP, etc);
- Perfect communicative and problem-solving skills;

Телефон:8(057) 700-64-54
Постоянный адрес объявления: http://job.kh.ua/vacancies/15655.html
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